

ইসলামী দর্শনের স্বর্ণযুগ | Golden Age of Islamic Philosophy


এই ভিডিওটি ইসলামী দর্শন, ফালসিফার স্বর্ণযুগের একটি প্রারম্ভিক বক্তৃতা এবং আল ফারাবী, ইবনে সিনা, আল গাজালি ,ইবনে রুশদ সহ সেই যুগের শীর্ষস্থানীয় পণ্ডিতদের কসমোলজি, নীতিশাস্ত্র এবং সরকারের ধারণাগুলির পরিচয় দেওয়া রয়েছে। এই ভিডিওটি মূলত ২০১৯ সালে রেকর্ড করা হয়।

The video introduces Islamic philosophy, an introductory discourse on the golden age of philosophy, and introduces the concepts of cosmology, ethics, and government to the leading scholars of that era, including al-Farabi, Ibn Sina, al-Ghazali, Ibn Rushd. This video was originally recorded in 2019.

Between Socialization, Alienation, & Democracy | Bobby Hajjaj | TEDxIUT


Human civilization went through spontaneous and radical changes over the course of time. From hunters to astronauts, human society adjusted to the needs and necessities from eras to eras. As we advanced, the idea of superiority and inferiority built it’s roots in us. But in the modern days, democracy has played a significant role in flattening the discrimination curve. Real life social communication and networking also facilitates towards keeping our humanitarian qualities intact. Proper and effective relationships and nondiscrimination is the key to achieve a blissful civilization.

Democracy in Need of Innovation | Bobby Hajjaj | TEDxGulshan


“Democracies are the best system of governance of which we are aware. But the same style of democracy will not provide the same results in every environment. If we are to build a future on the basis of the core principles espoused by a liberal democracy, those of liberty, equality, and choice, then globally we must give choice back to the people. We live in an age where we actually can. I hope for a future where democracy truly reigns supreme.

Demystifying Leadership | Bobby Hajjaj | TEDxNorthSouthUniversity


The man who introduced a new genre of politics. The man who believes in non-violent political practice and its implementations. The man who founded the political party “National Democratic Movement”. He is also an Oxford scholar who has also excelled as a columnist in various prestigious newspapers. Not to mention how he also marked his territory in the business sector. A big round of applause for our next speaker as we proudly welcome him, Mr. Bobby Hajjaj.

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