About Bobby Hajjaj
Bobby Hajjaj is a versatile person who has made contributions in numerous industries. A feeling of community, purpose, and belonging can be provided by having pride in one’s cultural and national heritage. Bobby Hajjaj is someone who has a strong belief in it. Because of this, it is incredibly admirable that he places the greatest value on his identification as a “Bangladeshi” and a “Father,” despite holding roles of political leadership, scholarship, teaching, and popular authorship.

Childhood and Family
Hajjaj was born in Dhaka, in 1978, to Dr. Moosa Bin Shamsher and Mrs. Kaniz Fatema Chowdhury. His father was a decorated student leader in the sixties and a pioneering business magnate post Bangladesh’s war of independence, and is celebrated as the father of the Manpower Export industry. His grandfather, Shamsher Ali, was a government official in Faridpur during British Rule, and his forefathers were Islamic preachers by vocation. His mother is a scion of the famed Dhulai Zamindar family of Pabna, one of the preeminent Zamindari estates during the British Raj, and her father Abu Naser Chowdhury was the last rightful legatee to the estate.
Hajjaj grew up in Dhaka’s suburban idyll during the 70’s and the 80’s, a time when democracy was in a constant state of abeyance. His family had close relations with many of the influential political players at the time, across all party lines, and it was the experiences of those times that etched deep emotions regarding politics in young Hajjaj’s mind.
শৈশব এবং পরিবার
হাজ্জাজের জন্ম ঢাকায়, ১৯৭৮ সালে, ডাঃ মুসা বিন শমসের এবং মিসেস কানিজ ফাতেমা চৌধুরীর ঘরে। তার বাবা ছিলেন ষাটের দশকে একজন সুসজ্জিত ছাত্র নেতা এবং বাংলাদেশের স্বাধীনতা যুদ্ধের পরে একজন অগ্রগামী ব্যবসায়ী ম্যাগনেট এবং জনশক্তি রপ্তানি শিল্পের জনক হিসেবে পালিত হয়। তার দাদা, শমসের আলী, ব্রিটিশ শাসনামলে ফরিদপুরের একজন সরকারি কর্মকর্তা ছিলেন এবং তার পূর্বপুরুষরা পেশাগতভাবে ইসলাম প্রচারক ছিলেন। তার মা পাবনার বিখ্যাত ধুলাই জমিদার পরিবারের একজন বংশধর, ব্রিটিশ রাজের সময়কার অন্যতম প্রধান জমিদারি এস্টেট এবং তার বাবা আবু নাসের চৌধুরী এস্টেটের সর্বশেষ অধিকারী ছিলেন।
হাজ্জাজ ৭০ ও ৮০-এর দশকে ঢাকার উপশহরের আড্ডায় বেড়ে ওঠেন, এমন একটি সময় যখন গণতন্ত্র স্থবির অবস্থায় ছিল। তার পরিবারের অনেক প্রভাবশালী রাজনৈতিক খেলোয়াড়ের সাথে, সমস্ত দলীয় লাইন জুড়ে ঘনিষ্ঠ সম্পর্ক ছিল এবং সেই সময়ের অভিজ্ঞতাই তরুণ হাজ্জাজের মনে রাজনীতি সম্পর্কে গভীর আবেগের জন্ম দিয়েছিল।
While completing his O’ and A’ Level exams in Dhaka, Hajjaj started writing for local newspapers. He also took avidly to sports, excelling in the martial arts like Kyokushin Karate and Jiu-jitsu. After completing his schooling in Bangladesh, he attended the University of Texas, Austin, to study Politics and History. During his undergraduate years in Austin he worked for the university newspaper and volunteered in local electoral campaigns, which afforded him his initial experience of American politics.
Hajjaj would later enroll in business school and earn his MBA from the University of Oxford.

During matriculation at the University of Oxford
Early Career
পেশা জীবন
In 2012 Hajjaj joined the Jatiyo Party as Special Advisor to party Chairman, and former President of Bangladesh, Hussain Muhammad Ershad. Between 2012 and 2013 he also served as the chief of the party’s research division. In late 2013, when political strife over the upcoming general election reached a hilt, he was appointed as spokesperson for the party as well as the party’s Chief Election Coordinator.

Lecturing at North South University

Lecturing at North South University
Contribution in Politics
Hajjaj became a popular political figure and a youth icon for his role in the 2014 general elections. He took a determined stand in favor of an inclusive general election and was consequently detained by law enforcement and later sent into exile. However, he was able to return in a few months, due to his party’s change of stance and subsequent entry into parliament as the official Opposition Party.
রাজনীতি জীবন
In March, 2015, Hajjaj and the Jatiyo Party parted ways, after he announced his independent candidacy for the Dhaka North City Corporation mayoral polls.
Later that year he started the youth-based citizen empowerment platform Shopner Desh, and toured the nation raising awareness, and gathering members and adherent to the cause. In was on the strength of that nationwide youth support that he launched his political party the Nationalist Democratic Movement (NDM) in April 2017.

Speaking at a Seminar

Bangladeshi Nationalism Democracy
In less than a year since its inception, NDM boasts one of the largest activist bases in the country. Built on the four unshakable pillars of Bangladeshi Nationalism, Religious Values, Spirit of Independence, and Accountable Democracy, the party is now preparing for its first general election.